1) more sour cream in party potatoes doesn't necessarily mean tastier party potatoes. "More isn't always better, Linus...sometimes it's just more."
2) my children don't know what "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck" means. I obviously don't say it enough.
3) my husband likes Hardee's hand breaded chicken tenders better than my homemade ones. I'm working on it though.
4) regular oil changes really, really do a car good.
5) we will NEVER use Geico for insurance, simply because of their commercials.
6) I really wish I would just sit down and learn to quilt (not just realized today, but reminded today).
Happy Monday everyone. Have a terrific week. My verse for today is from Ephesians:
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. ~Ephesians 4:1-3
Monday, October 31, 2011
Things I've Realized Today
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Trick or Treat (a day early!)
For some reason, our “village” has trick or treating two days – tonight and tomorrow night. So the older kids dressed up and went down our street and back (Gina stayed here at home, as she’d had enough candy from yesterday – more on that later). So far tonight, we’ve had one little girl who was too afraid to take the candy, another little girl who refused our candy because “I don’t like that kind”, and a dad who was screaming at his son to hurry up and get to the next house. I’m not sure I have it in me to hand out candy again tomorrow night.
We also went to the local parade, which was awesome (and incredibly long!). Lots of floats, a few marching bands (yay band geeks!!), and lots of candy tossed our way. I don’t know what it is about wee little ones, but floaters always flip and extra handful of candy towards Gina. Not that I’m complaining. My hips might be, but I’m not.
This is the time of year when many of the blogs I follow are writing about their reasoning behind not celebrating Halloween. I have to admit something: we still celebrate it, and not because I disagree with much of anything my fellow bloggers have to say about it. We celebrate it because I’m still a weak parent when it comes to things like this. Our older kids have gone trick or treating every year since they were very young, and I just couldn’t say no to them this year. And although I let them dress up, I did not allow them to stand in our yard and scare their fellow trick or treaters.
I’m also at the place where I question the harm in carving a pumpkin or attending a parade. I get that the whole holiday is very dark, and that the world has so much evil, gore, killing and senselessness already. We do not allow that much and do make them cut back this year. Perhaps next year, when I’m further in my walk with God and further into my Bible studies, I’ll be more comfortable not celebrating it at all.
I guess all I’m saying is this: please don’t judge my family because we still celebrate in a fun way on Halloween. If you think it’s wrong, that’s fine. Please remember back to when you first started your true walk with the Lord. Remember all the mistakes you made while learning. Remember all the things you wanted to figure out. Questions you had that made you want to research and study the Bible for answers. This is where I am. And the great thing about our Heavenly Father is that if what I’m doing is wrong, and I figure it out later and repent for it, He’s alright with that. He made me perfectly imperfect so I could glorify Him for the changes He’s made (and will make) in me. Glorify Him for His daily renewed grace.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Monday, October 24, 2011
Be Still
One of my favorite verses. I have a few, and since I've been following my Bible plans on my YouVersion account, my list has grown. But Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorites.
We are so busy. So rushed. So have-to-stop-at-McDonald's-again-because-we'll-never-make-it-from-soccer-practice-to-Bible-study-on-time-ful (yes, I know). So worried. So anxious. So stressed. Even our "quiet time" is often spent working our minds, solving problems or making plans. Isn't is FANTASTIC to know that He is God?
Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. ~Psalm 46:10
What's completely awesome about this is that in the midst of troubles, we know that He is there as well. We must work hard, yes. We must do everything we can to "fix" our broken lives. But we can relax and realize that when our part is done, His part is still being worked on. He is always working in our lives. And whatever happens is His will, and for His glory.
So be still, friends, and know that He is God.
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Quilting Saturday
And by Quilting Saturday, I mean I didn't quilt at all. Actually, I'd put "take a trip to the closest fabric store to look at fallish material" on my mental to-do list. But that didn't happen. We were busy bees today.
This morning we awoke early to get my older son off to his weekend away. His friends showed up a little early, so I'm glad we were up and prepared. Then we left on a mini-road trip north up The Great River Road. We crossed a really old (and really narrow!) drawbridge into Calhoun County, and just drove. And looked at farmland. And drove. And pit-stopped for a drink and snack. And drove. And took pictures of barns. And drove. And stopped at an old couple's house to buy homemade raspberry jam. And drove some more.
There was some sort of quilt show this weekend in one of the one-horse-towns we drove through. Talk about amazing!! If I'd been alone, i probably could've spent hours looking. We took several pictures of quilt blocks that had been painted onto the sides of barns. The homemade jam lady assured us this was just a fad that caught on, and although she didn't have one yet, she needed to start considering it.
Then we crossed back over the Illinois River by way of the Brussels Ferry, which wierded me out just a little bit, so I entertained myself by reading the old copy of The Little House in the Big Woods that I picked up at the book sale at the Parkfest last weekend. A quick stint back down The River Road, and home again, home again we went.
Now we sit, watching Game 3 of the World Series. Ice cream and chips for some evening snacks, and although I'd hoped to hit the hay early tonight, I don't think I'll be able to go before the game is over.
Everyone have a blessed Sunday, and remember:
Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Friday, October 21, 2011
Oh Yeah!!
First of all, let me tell ya something:
I'm writing from A COMPUTER!!! Oh, you have no idea how blessed this is!
GO CARDS!!! We may have lost game 2, but we'll get them!
I received my catalog from Vision Forum a few days ago. What fantastic products!! (And no, I'm not getting paid to say that...I'm just really impressed with the products, and with Vision Forum in general.
And now for the random stuff:
My email, that I've had for years, hasn't been working lately for some reason. So I finally decided on a new email address with yahoo (Patrick had switched over not long ago, and said yahoo had been okay for him, so I trusted it). Can I tell you what a big pain it is to subscribe to all my different emails all over again?? I realize that's a pretty petty thing to complain about, and if that's my only problem, I'm SET!!
Last Saturday we went to Eckert's Farm in Grafton, Illinois. Not only did we get to drive along the Great River Road (the trees have started turning!), but the kids had a blast playing, seeing animals, and picking out their pumpkins. Sunday afternoon, we went to the 20th Annual LeClaire Parkfest in my hometown, Edwardsville, Illinois. Can you say "carnival food"?? Oh yes. Games, funnel cakes, pony rides, lemonade, the lake, homemade curly fries, doggy adoptions (no, we didn't adopt, but the dogs were just adorable)...good times followed by tired kids. It doesn't get much better.
This weekend has no set plans, which is wonderful. It's been chilly here this week, so I think cookies might be in order, and maybe a batch of Olga bread. Nom nom nom. Thomas will be gone with friends this weekend, so one less child is on the agenda.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Thursday, October 20, 2011
:) :(
~leaves turning
~a chilly house felt from under the warmth of a quilt
~finishing a cross stitch project
~chicken noodle soup
~a free magazine subscription from my Coke points
~God's renewing grace every. single. day.
~raking aforementioned leaves
~potty training
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
God Knew What He Was Doing (of course!)
Another year has come and gone. Eight years ago, my husband and I pledged a lifetime together to ourselves, our family and friends, and to God. We've been through so many things, good times and bad. Thankfully, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger.
I thank God for bringing Patrick into my life. for arranging those stars just perfectly. for giving us the strength to get going when the going got tough. I am so thankful and blessed. Even on my worst days, I'm the luckiest woman on Earth, being married to the man God created me for. Being his help meet has been the best job I've ever had. I'm pretty bad at it ;) but I'm still learning eagerly. There are so many people who have come into my life and shown me what it means to truly be a wife, and I'm so thankful to all of them as well. I know God's hand is in it, as it always is, and I'm grateful He has opened my eyes to see, my ears to listen, my mind to learn, and my heart to love.
Here's to a lifetime full of love.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Monday, October 10, 2011
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!
Alrighty, I'm back from my mini-vaca (read: migraine headache). Actually, it only lasted a couple days, and didn't completely take me down. For a couple days afterwards though, the main spot of pain is actually tender to touch. I'm not sure if that's normal or not, but it happens.
We are now celebrating the Cardinals winning the division. They are playing game 2 against the Brewers as I type, and playing like there's no tomorrow. Cards in the World Series would be a hoot!
I have a low "normal" body temperature. Doctors comment on it when I'm seen. Everything comes back normal in every test they've run, so I'm not worried. I'm also hot. All the time. And when I get hot, I get cranky. VERY cranky. Believe me, my husband can attest to this. I sleep with a fan blowing directly on me at all times. I try really hard to not use the air conditioner as long as everyone else is still comfortable inside (watch out in my van though, I will have it blasting if it's even remotely warm out). It's no wonder fall and winter are my favorites when it comes to seasons. So what is this 80 degree stuff?!?! Yuck!! I'll admit, it's better than the 100's with high humidity, but boy oh boy. I want to use the oven! I want to bake bread and cookies! I want to curl up with an afghan on the couch, and snuggle with a quilt when I go to sleep! I think temps are supposed to go down here fairly soon, and I couldn't be happier about it.
Although I did get all of my errands done this past weekend, I did not get to cleaning out the garage. {sad face} It really needs to get done, and soon. I'm hopeful for this weekend, but I've got stuff lining up on my to-do list already. We'll see how it goes.
I pray everyone had a fabulous Monday, and that the rest of the week only gets better!
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: random
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
I've suffered from migraines for years now. Thankfully, I don't usually experience the nausea that accompanies many migraine headaches. My doctor, who is new to me, has been told about my migraines, but she wanted to treat some other minor health issues I was having first. I plan on bringing the migraines up again at my next follow up appointment.
The reason for telling you this is because I feel a migraine starting. They always start behind my right eye (and yes, I've had my eyes checked several times since the migraines started). Stress is my main trigger, although I've not had much out-of-the-ordinary stress today. I've tracked food triggers as well, but not found any yet.
Please excuse another short-blog day. I'm going to bed soon. But tomorrow is my Friday, so that makes me very happy.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: health
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Lord, Help Me
That's just about all I have to say about today. And that I'm SO thankful His mercies are new each day. If I get to wake another morning, I will use that day to live the life of His faithful servant, and to not be afraid, downtrodden, or weary.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Monday, October 03, 2011
Not only because I did dishes. I also discovered "someone" had gotten into my jewelry box for "Pretties" while I was at work today. As I was putting things back, I noticed how yucky my earrings were (I have almost all sterling silver jewelry, some with turquoise or other stones, but a lot of plain stuff too). So, google saved me and told me how to clean them up with just foil, baking soda, and hot water. Now I have sparkly clean jewelry again, although I rarely wear it anymore.
And guess what?? My thumb isn't near as purple today, although it still hurts like mad when I press on it.
I am planning a post on being a good steward this week, so stay tuned. I'm actually going to try to get to the library to use the computer...I organize my thoughts so much better when I can see all the words on the screen at the same time :p
I hope everyone's Monday was fabulous. Or as fabulous as a Monday can be. Remember, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Don't Ever Let Anyone Tell You...
"She looks well to the ways of her household, she does not eat the bread of idleness.". Proverbs 31:27
I'm trying. I found a very inspirational website (that I will share later, for reasons you will soon hear). This wonderful, virtuous woman shared her housekeeping schedule, which included at least a couple loads of laundry a day, setting a timer to help you remember to flip it. I, however, wanted to start with the cleanest slate possible, so I spent much of today doing laundry. I also had a retirement party to attend this evening. In an effort to keep with the schedule before I even start it, I flipped a load when I got home from the party. As I'm switching the clothes from washer to dryer, I JAM my thumb against the side of the dryer hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. I think, "Great!! Another nail bent back!", and look down. I'll spare you the gory details because they're, well, gory. But I will tell you, I'll be purple for awhile, and I fear I may lose this nail. Hence my short post, as any pressure on my thumb makes me sad.
Don't ever let anyone tell you housework isn't dangerous. It just ain't truth.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind