Headaches anyone?
I suffer from headaches at least once a month. Well let me rephrase that: I get little headaches often. Some people hold all their stress in their stomachs, I hold mine in my back and shoulders. Tight shoulders leads to tension headaches, which I usually just deal with (oh how I wish insurance paid for messages!!).
The once a month headaches I'm speaking of are cluster headaches, which I think are a type of migraine. The start behind my right eye and sometimes lift into the right side of my forehead. I've been given a prescription for generic imitrex, but I'm afraid to take it again. The first time, I took it right at bedtime, feel asleep, and woke up not quite headache-free, but close enough.
The second time? Not so much.
I took another one at bedtime, but had some trouble falling asleep. Since I wasn't snoozing when the meds kicked in, I started to feel odd. Sort of like I was filled with water and rocks, and whichever side of me was against the bed was where all the rocks were, weighing me down. It made me feel like I had to move, then move again, then again, just to keep the "rocks" from settling. I did finally fall asleep, but when I woke the next morning, my headache was still there full force. Needless to say I didn't take another one.
Last month when I got it, I called in a refill for some plain ol' pain meds. They didn't relieve the pain entirely, but enough that I could function. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday and will ask him if he's willing to write for something else. Luckily, I know what my insurance covers without a prior authorization, so there's no guessing involved.
How do you handle headaches? Dry heat? Moist heat? Ice pack? Meds? Obviously I have one now and I'm hoping to get rid of it by tomorrow before work.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What a Cluster!
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Monday, March 19, 2012
Movie Mania!
Do you have any movie lovers in your household? Patrick sometimes often makes fun of me because I watch the same movies over and over again. I enjoy your typical chick flicks (Hope Floats, You've Got Mail), comedies (Mrs. Doubtfire, My Big Fat Greek Wedding), dramas (Dangerous Minds, Invincible {although the language gets a little old}), classics (Little Women, Lilies of the Field), kids movies (Cars, Ratatouille), and even some action flicks (Speed, Top Gun {and again, language!}).
I seem to go in phases. I'll get in a groove with a movie or two, and I'll watch it once a day for a few days at least. There was a time that I watched The Blind Side daily for, well, a long time...I'm not even sure how long. In my defense, (and this is a horrible habit), more often than not I'm doing something else while the movie is on...so in reality, I hear more movies than I watch.
My most recent movie loves will totally please my husband. The Adventures of TinTin (we are actually watching that right now) is amazing. The facial expressions and movements of the characters are so lifelike it's unreal. My second most-watched flick of late is Sherlock Holmes because, well, because Robert Downey Jr., much like Sidney Poitier, is always a good idea. Both of these movies were my husband's choices. He grew up reading TinTin. And I'm not sure why he likes Sherlock Holmes so much, but he's super excited about the second one being released in April.
What are your favorite movies?
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: entertainment
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Oh Honey Child!
Boy oh boy, am I feelin' it today!! And by it, I mean the dreaded belly bloat. It's the enemy of everyone, but I believe especially women (maybe that's because, well, I'm a woman?). Yesterday was a badbadbad eating day. I started out bad by not logging in my breakfast at Spark People, and it went downhill pretty quickly from then on. My water intake was low as well, and if that happens, I know the next day is going to be bad.
So. I took the plunge.
Today I shot my "before" pictures. O_o
Let's just say that posing in front of a missor and a camera was my worst nightmare (until I had kids...now I worry about different things...most of the time). I recently bought a new top to exercise in - a pink tank with a built-in sports bra, something that will hold me in without making me feel like I'm wearing the top half of a corset (sorry guys). I put it on for one of my "skinny days". I was feeling great! It didn't look perfect, but I was lookin' good!! ;)
Today? Not. So. Much.
But, I've got them now. Fortunately for you, I am not going to post them until I've got my "after" pictures to go along with them! I can't wait to get our taxes back, because I'm hoping it'll pay for a gym membership. I am not the type of person that can work out at home. I mean, I can do your basic jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches and stretching at home without a problem, but I need classes! I need people around me all shooting for the same goal! I need the feeling of camaraderie one gets while jumping around, sweating like crazy, digging tunes that one can only listen to in step aerobics and get away with it.
{picture a screen of women working on the treadmills here...blogger is being dumb and won't let me upload it}
So, there you have it. In my defense, I took a front, a side, and another side view where I, uhm, I wasn't sucking in my tummy {ahem}. Someday maybe my before and after pictures will be on Pinterest and be an inspiration to someone else. And if not, at least I'll have the energy to play with my kids, and to keep up with my grandbaby when he gets a little older, and to go do awesomely (yeah, I made that word up) fun things with my husband when our own kids are older. God has given me my husband, children, grandchild, and a few guaranteed friends. Now He will give me the strength to overcome my own weaknesses.
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: food, new beginnings, weight loss
Friday, March 16, 2012
Happy Birthday!!
Tyler Mason was born yesterday afternoon at 1:39PM. He weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds, 1 ounce.
Both mama and baby are doing very well, although Jules is hurtin' from the epidural. She is in such good spirits! And who wouldn't be, staring at these cheeks all day?!?

So that means, my friends, it's official: I'M A GRANDMA!!!
Congratulations Julie-what an incredible woman you've turned into. We are so very proud of you and know that you will be such a strong, loving mother. Everything will be so different from now on - you'll never look at anything the same way (especially sleep! ;) And happy birthday, Baby Ty - welcome to the world! Your grandma, grandpa, aunt and uncles are so excited to see you!
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: celebrate, kids, new beginnings
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Pizza, If You Please
I enjoy pizza. A lot. Maybe too much. It's not that I have to have it, per se, but I could have it...every day, for almost every meal.
I am not, however, a pizza snob. I don't necessarily have to do gourmet pizza. Beau Jo's is just about the best place to eat pizza I've ever been. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately for my hips), it's in Colorado. I'm not. {sad face}
Tonight I'm making a recipe I'd pinned awhile back on Pinterest.
Pizza Casserole? I'm IN!! And my morning workout will have to happen tomorrow. I will update later with the fam's review!
*****UPDATE***** This casserole was okay. It wasn't bad at all, but it definitely wasn't the best thing I've ever eaten. It needs more cheese, and pizza sauce instead of Prego (I used store brand spaghetti sauce). I'm also thinking of adding pepperoni (either sliced, or chopped) in the first layer of meat. And I bet sausage would be lovely instead of the ground beef. You could really add any pizza toppings you prefer, such as green peppers, onions, etc. I will make it again for sure, but with some tweaks next time.
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: food
Monday, March 12, 2012
Mama FAIL Day
UGH! I absolutely DISPISE days like today. What started out as a good morning, for no reason at all, turned into a sour attitude and exhaustion.
I've been tired the past few days. Between the visit from Grandpa Terry, a late night trip to the ER for what turned out to be a "pretty serious" bladder infection for me (that I was unaware of until that night), and the time change (I love spring, but really miss that hour of sleep!), I've been one tired lady. My alarm clock seems to go off earlier and earlier every morning.
I basically got nothing done today, which added to my sour grapes. I did make a menu and grocery shop, but I spent more money than I'd planned and the baby got chocolate doughnut all over her (when she goes with me, we get a doughnut for her from the bakery...not a good habit, but she just squeals with delight when she gets it). I hadn't brought the wipes with me, so I had to cut our errands short because she was so messy and I didn't want her to get it all over the electronics in Office Max. So my lack of planning just ate away at the remainder of the "good" hopes for the day.
Now I'm letting Jacob play the game, Gina is downstairs with him, and I'm giving myself some "Chill out, mama!" time before I start dinner. Lazy? I guess so. I'm watching Sidney Poitier in Lilies of the Field, because Sidney Poitier is always a good idea, and I'm hoping just a little of Mother Maria's faith and gratefulness for everything the Lord gives her will rub off on me today.
On a somewhat related note: do you shop with coupons? How do you control your grocery budget with a bunch of growing kids that could eat you out of house and home and still be hungry? Sales? Aldi's? Are you an extreme couponer or just buy what you'd normally buy, but use coupons when you can find them? I need help, but without extreme couponing...I tried it once and just can't wrap my brain around it without adding some really unnecessary stress. Suggestions?
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: family finances, food, kids, mama woes
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Fun Day Sunday!
What a relaxing weekend! With my father-in-law in town, some of the normal weekend stuff has fallen to the wayside (I did do the dishes, and at least started in laundry yesterday!). The kids have enjoyed swimming in Grandpa Terry's hotel pool, and I haven't had to cook much because we've eaten dinner out (or ordered in) since he's been here (MAJOR blessing!).
All the boys went to the mall across the river yesterday to hang out and get Thomas's late birthday present from Grandpa Terry. Thomas used his birthday money and Grandpa Terry pitched in the rest to get a skateboard from Plan Nine, the skatepark in the mall. He's been wanting one for awhile now, but his old one was still good, and they're expensive! But he kept hold of his birthday cash just to purchase it.
Jacob was surprised by the entire Sly Cooper Collection for Playstation 3, although Patrick likes it so much that I think it was more a present for both of them! We used to have them for the older gaming system, and we remember it taking a LONG time to beat - now they breeze right through a lot of it!
Tonight we plan on dinner and more swimming, as Grandpa Terry heads back home tomorrow, and the older children start back to school. I will catch up on housework, run some errands, grocery shop to restock the fridge, and finish some paperwork before work on Tuesday. I so enjoy these times at home with my family and hate for them to come to an end. Sometimes it makes me wonder what the Lord has planned for us, and why things are working out this way. Jeremiah promises that it is all a part of His plan:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13
Lord, help me to know You are in control of my life and the lives of those I love. Give me peace even during the hardest of times, and help me to provide stability, comfort, and a cheery disposition for my family at all times, whether I'm at home or not. Give me strength for my weakest times and allow it to flow through me to those around me when they are weak. I pray this in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
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Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Friday, March 09, 2012
Long Weekend!
Yes, yes, I know you're jealous :) I have a five day weekend that started yesterday! My father-in-law is in town to visit, so I took a couple vacation days to spend time with him (sadly, his wife had obligation at home and could not make the trip this time). We went out to dinner last night to Applebee's. Awesomeness, but WOW! Fat-laden and sodium-heavy dinner! But as I said in my intro, I'm not traveling the deprivation route, because I. WILL. FAIL. I've tried before. So the hubs and I got the two for $20 deal. Our app, while absolutely delicious, was the worst part of the meal (spinach and artichoke dip). That was Patrick's choice, so I only had a few chips and a bit of dip. For the meal, we both had the 7 oz. sirloin with garlic mashed potatoes. Oh, it was just a little piece of Heaven right there on our plates! I was careful earlier in the day to watch what went into my mouth very closely, and to eat foods that were low in calories but satisfying and filling.
So the reason for my father-in-law's visit is that today, March 9th, is not only my wonderful husband's birthday, but our younger son's birthday as well!
How blessed am I to have Patrick as my husband, his face to wake up to every morning, his humor to brighten my days, his music to fill my ears, his wink to me from on stage ;) And Jacob? How could he have come into our lives 11 years ago?? He's our numbers man...baseball or football stats, dates in history...his mind is like a steel trap! (He definitely got that from his dad!) So always, but especially today, I give great thanks to God for giving me the chance to spend my short time on earth with these two guys!
I'm not sure what we have planned for today besides some errands. We were discussing some of our favorite movies at dinner last night and discovered that Patrick's dad hasn't seen quite a few of our faves. So we may just order fish in tonight and chill in front of the tube, then finish off the evening with cake and ice cream. Happy Friday to everyone!
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: celebrate, food, kids, weight loss