Good Tuesday morning to you, friends. I'm sitting here in a quiet house (until Bean wakes up, anyway) drinking coffee and...not worrying.
You see, last night the transmission went out on our only working car. Yup, our only remaining working vehicle no longer works. A great friend rescued me and loaned us her van to use for the remainder of the week, barring urgent need for her. Before this happened, Daddy and I got into a teeny tiff, over nothing really, because we're both tired, and he's working extra long hours, and I was just cranky. We also got something in the mail yesterday concerning the accident we had on vacation back in July, which we thought was taken care of and apparently isn't yet.
Yesterday just had bad juju in general.
But this morning, I woke up with Casting Crowns Praise You In This Storm in my head.
And a couple different verses:
Matthew 6:24 (NIV) says: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Proverbs 21:9 )NIV) says: "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife."
Did I ever worry last night. And quarrelsome is an understatement. No one wanted to live with me last night, let alone my own husband, I'm sure.
Truly, ladies, two of the hardest things to do in life are not to worry, and to be loving and respectful to our husbands 100% of the time. And yes, of course everyone is going to make mistakes (thank you, God, for grace). But the most important earthly thing is our husbands and children. And the most important heavenly thing is to be pleasing to God and to bring Him glory.
Lord, help me today and every day to live the life you want me to live. You are my strength when I have none, my patience when I have none, and my courage when I have none. Hold my tongue when I would rather bite back, and teach me how to be a blessing to my husband at all times, even when we're cranky, because that's when he (and I) need it the most. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Today I'm linking up with Time Warp Wife:
Oh babe, BTDT and wish I had another car to loan you. Also find the song "Stand". I can't remember the singer's name but he sung it at Whitney's funeral and it was phenomenal. When we've done all we can do we are supposed to stand and let the Lord see you through. Last month we had unexpected bills and manage to survive on $3 for the month for everything. I prayed a lot and finally just had to bundle it up and lay it at God's feet. He saw us through. Sometimes I write my worries down and put them in a prayer box and the next month I read them and they have all been answered. Hang in there!
I love the idea of a prayer box! I have a hard time turning things over to anyone, even God, but I'm getting better. Maybe the physical act of writing the issue down would make it easier.
Oh Kelly! I am so sorry things continue to be so rough for you and your family! I thought (hoped) that when Patrick got his new job, that meant things were on their way up for you.
I will continue to keep you guys in my thoughts!
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