Monday, September 19, 2011

No, Really This Time

When I wrote Never Ending, I was sort of hoping that the mere mention of it would bring all the excitement to a halt.

A girl can dream, right?

My younger daughter and I spent the morning at the walk-in clinic at my store. Yesterday afternoon, she fell asleep on my lap, and she's been really snotty and sneezy and watery-eyed for a couple days. Then last night, my throat started to feel like broken glass, and my ears (or rather, right below my ears) are swollen and painful. Since Gina gets ear infections fairly easily, we went in today and WHAM! Ear infection in her right ear. I, on the other hand, had nothing treatable, but she did tell me to come back in a couple days if I don't feel better, as strep can take a couple days. So I called in sick to work tonight in the hopes that an evening of relaxing will nip this.

Thomas also saw his new primary care doctor (please don't ever ask me how much I dislike insurance companies...unless you have a few days to spare). He has a non-displaced fracture, but he has full extension and little to no pain (unless his finger gets knocked around or something obvious). So he's to keep his finger splinted for 2 weeks. If he has no issues at that time, no additional appointments are needed. So no orthopedics unless there's a problem - yippee!!

"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. ~Jeremiah 30:17

This is my meditation verse this week. Pray with me, for the healing of my family. And if you have physical struggles and would like me to pray for you, let me know.

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