Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good Morning, Good Morning to You

Good Morning

This morning, I woke up with this song in my head. I don't know all the words, but it was still there.

I think it's the weather. Another beautiful fall-ish morning here, waking up to a breeze blowing through the open windows, hot coffee with cream, The Daddy heading to work, and the kids and I ready to enjoy another day before the school year starts. Actually, we have approximately a gazillion errands to run either today or tomorrow, so "enjoy" might be stretching it. But we'll try our best.

I wanted to stop in this morning and brag on The Daddy a little bit. He's been working for his current company for almost a year now, and this type of work is like nothing he's ever done before. In fact, it's sort of the opposite of anything he's done before. He comes home every day dirty, hungry, and exhausted. Yet he continues to do it every single day, even when I know he'd rather stay in bed, rather work a later shift, rather be in a different industry, rather not work in one of the filthiest places ever (refineries....yuck).

I am so proud of him, I'm almost bursting. So I've really been trying to make our home a place of relaxation and peace for him. I'm a self-admitted horrible housewife (my mama tried to teach me, but I sure didn't listen!). Since I've become a mostly-stay-at-home-mama (and even more lately), I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about homemaking, supporting him, being a Godly wife...just *anything* that will help me learn to be here for him in any way possible. I've asked him a couple times what I can do to make home more "homey" for him, but I think I have bad timing...he never has a specific answer ;)

So friends, if you're married, what do you do to welcome your hubby home?

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