Friday, April 11, 2008

We have pictures!!!

So the whole family went to the ultrasound this morning. We ran a little late, but they never get you in on time for these things anyway. The only issue that caused was for my bladder to have even more pressure from the 4 bottles of water I drank.

Arriving promptly at 11:07 (uhm, for an 11 o'clock appointment), we signed in and sat down to watch HGTV on their flatscreen tv. Little Linebacker decided he had to go potty way bad and just couldn't hold it (obviously he had no idea what my bladder was doing), so I took him in and suffered through him being able to go and not me. As soon as he came out, we got called in.

Without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to Baby Ax!!!

Baby Ax 4-11-08

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes...

Baby Ax 4-11-08

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and tooooooooooeeeeeeessssss...

Baby Ax 4-11-08

Eyes and ears...


...and mouth and nose...

Baby Ax 4-11-08

Head, shoulders...



Baby Ax 4-11-08

...and toes!!!

And now, for the more important stuffarooni...


Like a full body shot with a wee little hand waving "hi!"

Baby Ax 4-11-08

And a spine...all set the way it should be...


Another full body shot, legs crossed this time

Baby Ax 4-11-08

And how about a dead giveaway?!?!?

So ladies and gents, we'll be welcoming (finally) another source of estrogen into the testosterone-laden home I've lived in for so long. YIPPEE!!!!! Everyone is thrilled, The Boys (who think they want a little sister until they discover that she leaves her toys around the place just like they do), Big Boss Man (who was pleased as punch that he was right all along this time), and moi (who will finally have someone's hair to put braids and ribbons in!!). The tech said everything looks wonderful. Heart beat is dead on, spine looks good, no markers for anything needing a closer look. Little Junior Mint was just being as photogenic as possible, pretty much the whole time. we start planning. I don't think we'll do the nursery all up in girly girly stuff. At least we can start (or continue) arguing over names and actually have them mean something, since we know we can say "she" now!

Thank you all so much for sharing this journey with me!!


Lisa said...

Woohoo! Congratulations on your under construction little girl!! Way to start evening the score, Mom! I suppose Junior Mint is out for a permanent name??

I'm so tickled, you'd think this baby is mine!!

barefoot gardener said...

Oh, gosh, I need a prozac. I got so excited for you I started crying...


mommyof2 said...

How exciting. Congratulations. I finally have a niece. Yaaaay!!

JulieDaniels said...

Happy girl to you! I'm so excited for you...and somehow this gives me hope that when my two boys are older...if we decide to have another that it will miraculously be a girl too! Yes, I'm projecting, but I like it! SOOO exciting!!!

White Hot Magik said...

Exciting. I have two boys, so I can relate to the overload of testerone but I love it. I stopped by via Elizabeth's blog. Your name caught my eye.

Elizabeth said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm positively THRILLED!!!!



Ok, now that I've got that out my system, we need to have a discussion about names. Pray tell, when will that happen????


Sorry... I couldn't help myself! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your little girl! I know you must be thrilled! Lots of Love :)

Patrick Truax said...

Life is good. Sometimes one needs to slow down, and immerse him/herself in what is around them. Greatness is where you find it, and it has always been at Lost Hollow. We are truly blessed here, even if we forget it sometimes. Thanks for all the kind posts...

Ness said...

Super fantastic! A healthy baby! God is good!

And a girl to boot! Now I can FINALLY buy girl stuff. I saw the CUTEST little girl outfit at Cracker Barrel the other day. I will be going back.

Now I can start on Juniorette Mint's quilt!

Have a safe and phenomenal trip and celebrate the life of your little girl!

Girl! Whee!!!!!!!

Congrats Mom, Dad and brothers! How utterly wonderful!!

Ness said...

Good God, I've taken complete leave of my senses and can't count to boot.

You're leaving when for Florida or are you already there and blogging from there? I saw you on CJ's blog and thought you were in the air on the way to Florida.

I SO miss my mind...

sewtakeahike said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations!!! How 'bout that cute little bum! Just look at it!!! Hurrah for pink, ribbons, and bows! (and daisies and ruffles and foo-foo!)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

awwwww congratulations!
looks like she is sucking her thumb in a couple of those shots!

Michelle said...

Whohooo. that is just wonderful news!!! I'm very happy to hear that you are having a little girl you'll love it!!!! Although the bank account might not.. ;-) Congratulations to your husband...and the big brothers..