Sunday, April 01, 2012

So busy!!

I didn't mean to let the blog go to the wayside, but it happened and I apologize.

I said recently that my hours at work were getting cut due to budget cuts and belt-tightening. That happened last week and although my hours didn't get cut as much as I thought they would, my shifts got moved all around. I haven't quite found the perfect time to blog (hence my posting on a Sunday, which I don't like to do). I also had recertification due yesterday. I'm normally pretty good about having all my continuing education credits done by recert. time, but this year I was just way behind and had to spend some evenings working on those. Thankfully, I did get them done in time :)

We've spent a lot of time outdoors here too. The weather has been downright BEAUTIFUL lately, and we've taken advantage of it. Here in our village, we are alloowed to burn yard waste through midnight March 31st. We've been raking like crazy, and I have the blisters to prove it! We borrowed a fire pit from a friend and used it to contain the fire (which is another requirement of the village). Patrick also found an old tent we had (from before we had all the kids) and set that up in the backyard. Gina had an absolute blast playing in that, and it kept her occupied and away from the fire too.


I also planted a few bulbs and seeds in the backyard. Three peony bushes, some morning glories and moonflowers. Mom had two trellises in the garage, which was perfect. We don't get a lot of sun, but enough where I planted that they should do alright. Here's hoping, and I will post pictures as soon as I have sprouts! I am hoping to have a little vegetable garden, but the budget is really tight right now. If we get our taxes back in a decent amount of time, that will be on of the first non-bill things we do. I would love to plant sweet corn, but I'm not sure we'll have room. Tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers are on the "for sure" list. I can't wait for tomatoes!!

Do you garden? What are your favorite things to plant?

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Found your blog and am really enjoying it.

Thought I'd share too :)