The LORD is my fortress,
protecting me from danger,so why should I tremble?Psalm 27:1Happy Sunday, y'all!

...where life passes by in a whirlwind.
The LORD is my fortress,
protecting me from danger,so why should I tremble?Psalm 27:1Happy Sunday, y'all!
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
Labels: prayer, Sacred Sunday
Yes, it's ME!! (I bet I had you goin' huh?)
Life is just way too busy to blog, isn't it? Which makes me sad, because I'd sort of hoped this would turn into a sort of journal for the kids (and maybe us!) to look back on and relive memories. Alas, sometimes it's all I can do to work, keep the house somewhat presentable (and I've been failing at that portion lately too), and keep the husband and kids fed and happy. Are ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down??
Tonight, however, I've got kids scattered all over the neighborhood with friends, the husband is fishing; so it's just me and the Bean at home. So instead of cleaning up the dinner dishes like a good little Sally Homemaker, I decided to try out a recipe I found on Pinterest recently.
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
Sadly, they didn't turn out near as pretty as they look in the picture, and they're sort of...dry...I guess. Granted, I used coffee mugs, not ramekins, but I can't imagine that making a ginormous difference. Okay in a pinch, but I think I'd rather just make regular cookies. Plus, it's rarely just me and one other person in this house, so single serving anything just doesn't make sense.
So how's the weather in your neck of the woods? We are in a bee-you-tee-full weather pattern here - highs in the 80's and lows in the 60's (58 degrees tonight!). This sort of weather always comes just in time, right after a week-long heatwave (or, uhm, a month or so)...letting us know that it will not stay a sweltering fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk *hot* forever, no matter how long it's been like that. Our windows have been opened, and baby we're blowin' the stink off! Sadly, we're also letting the flies in too. Much as I love the slammin' of a screen door, the in-and-outs of the kids must send a signal out to flies everywhere. And I must get a little over-anxious in my fly swatting efforts, as I thought I broke my finger on the windowsill earlier while smacking one of 'em. But all bodily injury aside, I think we are fly-free for now!
Lastly, school starts next week. Yes, next week!! The kids are all registered and everything, and actually excited to go back. Since my dreams of homeschooling have yet to be realized, they'll start back in a week and two days. This summer has gone by so fast! Our vacation was a trip to West Virginia, then to Georgia, but it's a very...uhm, interesting story that I'll leave for another day.
For now, I have a Bean to get to bed, some shorts to replace buttons on, dishes to wash up, and a crumby floor to vacuum. My plate is full, but my cup runneth over - I hope yours does too!!
Posted by
Mama Tango
gusts of wind
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